Movers and packers advices

 Packing and moving can be a difficult task but when you have to do it in a hurry, it becomes even more stressful. However, there are some tips you can follow to make sure you can do everything in time and efficiently, whether you have a week or a day. To help you sail comfortably through this process, the experts at Fast Movers have put together this handy moving guide.

Don't stress YOURSELF

First of all, don’t panic! The time that you might spend panicking about how much there is to do is wasted time that could have been used for packing. So it’s important that you remain calm and relaxed. If you feel yourself panicking, take deep breaths and remind yourself that you can do this. It might seem impossible to pack and move in a hurry, but it can be done easily if you’re well prepared. Follow the rest of our tips to know how to continue.

Organize your day

Organizing yourself will go a long way in making sure you’re packed and done in no time (and keeping you calm as well). Checklists work extremely well in helping you remember to do everything. Make one and prioritize the things you have to do so you can tackle the most difficult ones first. Break tasks into multiple steps if you like and cross off as you go. It will give you a sense of achievement as well as keep you motivated.

Get all your supplies before you start packing – boxes, tape, markers, bags, scissors, bubble-wrap, etc. – and keep everything handy when you’re packing so that you’re not distracted or waste precious time by looking for them.

Make it Fun

Packing is tedious and daunting, especially while you’re short on time. Try making it fun. For example, you can get the whole family involved, and perhaps make a game out of it with the kids to motivate them to help you. Of course, you will have to supervise to make sure they don’t throw out anything they should be keeping or vice versa. Similarly, you can do away with the dullness of the task at hand by putting on some music and/or a podcast you’ve been meaning to get to!

Tackle Rooms Separately

This handy little tip will help stay focused and efficient. Also, both the packing and the unpacking that comes later would be much easier if you go room by room. You can also keep yourself on track by setting time goals per room – for example, packing the kitchen in three hours while doing the bedroom in one – and then sticking to them; and by not thinking about the next room till you’re done with the one at hand.

Sort While You Pack

How can you sort your belongings while you’re packing in a hurry? Won’t this take longer? Actually not. Not only will it be much easier for you to sort things at this point if you make piles according to ‘keep/pack, donate, throw away, maybe keep’ (since you’re going through all your things anyway), but also make the process efficient. For example, you don’t need to fold clothes you plan to throw away or donate.

Plus, since you’re short on time, you will make quick decisions about what you want to keep or throw away; helping you de-clutter easily rather than holding onto things you don’t use anymore, and using valuable space and time when you unpack in your new house.

Get Professional Help

Obviously, the actual number of hours you’ll be able to spend on packing will be less since you also have to work and/or attend to your family. You can, of course, call up family members or friends for help but they might not be available on short notice. Hence, it will be a much better idea if you hire professional movers and packers in Dubai. Check out Fast Movers, who will make your packing woes disappear.

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